Almond milk with vanilla / Sport smoothie with berries

Almond milk with vanilla
Almond milk with vanilla
Yesterday I found a pleasant surprise on kitchen counter. My boyfriend surprised me with brand new food processor. Isn`t he great? :) Of course I had to give it a test ride. I`ve been thinking about almond butter and almond milk for a few weeks. It`s great for sports enthusiasts, after intense workout. Today I`m making almond milk and tomorrow almond butter. Milk from almonds is great alternative for those, who doesn`t or can`t drink cow milk, it`s lactose free and it enriches smoothies. Because my boyfriend has running race tomorrow, I`m making him a smoothie with almond milk for strength and stamina. I`ve soaked almonds with water in the morning, so they will be ready for mixing in the afternoon.
Almond milk with vanilla
Almond milk with vanilla
Almonds are natural source of protein, which play a great role in muscle regeneration. They fill body with energy and increase endurance. You could say, almonds are superfood for everyone who is active in sports. Almonds are also very rich in fiber and minerals, they have a lot of vitamin E, also it`s unsaturated fats are very effective in losing weight. Because almonds contains iron, calcium and magnesium, your blood picture will improve and bones will be stronger.
Sport smoothie with berries
Sport smoothie with berries
Včeraj me je na kuhinjskem pultu pričakalo lepo presenečenje. Fant me je presenetil s popolnoma novim multipraktikom. Seveda sem ga morala takoj sprobati :) Že par tednov razmišljam o mandljevem maslu in mandljevem mleku. Je odlično za športnike, po naporni vadbi. Danes bom pripravila mandljevo mleko, jutri pa pride na vrsto maslo. Mleko iz mandljev je super nadomestilo za tiste, ki ne pijejo ali ne smejo kravjega mleka, je brez laktoze in pika na i za smoothije. Ker ima moj fant jutri dopoldne tekaško tekmo, mu bom pripravila smoothie za moč in vzdržjivost. Zjutraj sem namočila mandlje v vodo, tako da bodo popoldne pripravljeni za miksanje.
Sport smoothie with berries
Sport smoothie with berries
Mandlji so naravni vir beljakovin, ki igrajo veliko vlogo pri obnavljanju mišic. Telo napolnijo z energijo in povečajo vzdržjivost. Zato bi jim lahko rekli tudi superhrana za športnike. Bogati so z vlakninami in minerali, vsebujejo veliko vitamina E, zaradi nenasičenih maščob pa so učinkoviti pri hujšanju. Pripomorejo tudi k boljši krvni sliki in močnejšim kostem, predvsem zaradi vsebnosti železa, kalcija in magnezija.
Serves 2
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  1. 200ml almond milk
  2. 70 g mixed berries
  3. 2 bananas
  4. 1/4 tsp vanilla
  5. 1 tbsp maple syrup
  6. 1 tbsp almond butter
  1. Put all ingredients in blender and blend well. You can add more maple syrup if you like it sweeter.
  2. This drink is great after workout.
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  1. 1 cup almonds
  2. 4 cups water
  3. 1/4 tsp vanilla
  4. 1 tsp maple syrup
  1. Soak almonda in water for couple of hours or better overnight.
  2. Put almonds in blender and add 4 cups of water. Blend well, then add vanilla and maple syrup.
  3. Strain through gauze and squeeze well.
  4. Keep in the fridge and use in 1 week.
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About chef imado

Hello! My Name Is Imad Qaidi, Cooking Holds a certificate of the Moroccan state and I have all the qualifications of the traditional and the modern cuisine of various well-known in the world of cooking states, Best Regards Admin.
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